Homestead Exemption (Due by March 1st)
. . .Use this form to apply for homestead exemption on your primary residence.
Please Note: You will be required to provide a copy of each owner's Driver License when submitting by email or in person.
Transfer of Homestead Assessment Difference (Due by March 1st)
. . .Use this form to apply for transfer of Homstead Exemption.
Homestead Tax Discount for Veterans 65 and Older with Combat related disability (Due by March 1st)
. . .This application is for use by a veteran or their surviving spouse to apply for an ad valorem tax discount on homestead property.
Senior Citizen Exemption Application for Persons Age 65 and Over (Due by March 1st)
. . .Adjusted Gross Household Income Sworn Statement and Return.
Physician's Certification of Total and Permanent Disability (Due by March 1st)
. . .Must be completed by a licensed Florida physician.
Optometrist's Certification of Total and Permanent Disability (Due by March 1st)
. . .Must be completed by a licensed Florida optometrist.
Physician Certificate
First Responder's Physician Certificate of Total and Permanent Disability - sample (Due by August 1st)
. . .Mist be completed by a licensed Florida physician.
Employer Certificate
First Responder's Employer Certification of Injury - sample (Due by August 1st)
. . .Mist be completed by Employer or volunteer's Supervisor.